Lost Layer Tool

...v20100708_1931_rc2 for Anime Studio Pro 7.0

1st "Lost AS Tool"! The "Lost Layer Tool" have been chiefly conceived to offer quick & direct access to the most commonly used layer settings and effects providing, at the same time, multi-layering adjustments support and several real-time advantages, as well as extra features like the "MouseCap!", layer content info and keyframing assistance; all in a try to improve the setup & animation process feeling inside Anime Studio Pro.

>print("...hello, Lost AS Tools")

...hello, Lost AS Tools

>Well, I had to start this thing in some or other way... Now, it's time to confess that I'm not a programmer or anything similar :(, but with this "Lost ~ Tools" thing I'm getting excited and trying to do my best :) ...My purpose for now is, little by little (and within my means & AS's Lua interface possibilities), go making some of all that  Anime Studio Pro tools that I've been missing most along all this years of curious usage and dedication. Of course, there is too much work to do so...